Preach loud truth
420 blaze it Tollers
Jam session
Ceiling Lolkien
Shoot the Tolkpedo
Poke the Heretic
Chaika? Yes Chaika

Tolkien and... Music

A student inquired: "What kind of music did Tolkien like?"


Some people believe that J.R.R. Tolkien was incredibly old-fashioned, and only listened to Anglo-Saxon monk chants. But this is wrong! The truth is, J.R.R. Tolkien was quite into jazz. He and his band would hold little sessions now and then in The King's Arms in Oxford, which were popular among his students and friends.

Sometimes Tolkien would even break out into a saxophone solo in the middle of a reading with the Inklings. They much preferred this to Hugo Dyson's death metal interjections. They fled when Dyson, his upper body naked and his long hair wildly shaking, screamed AI LAURIE LANTARRR LASSI!!! SUUUUURRRRINEN!!!

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