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Chaika? Yes Chaika

Tolkien and... Caviar

A student inquired: "Did J.R.R. Tolkien like caviar?"


Oh yes! The truth is, Tolkien loved caviar. Though he usually preferred simple, rustic English food, caviar was the great exception.

In 1921, Tolkien was still not very rich, and could not afford to buy expensive food. So he journeyed to Crimea himself to hunt for sturgeon. At this time, sturgeon was living in the Crimean jungle, swinging merrily from tree to tree! But Tolkien's hunt scared the surviving sturgeon so much that they have been hiding in the water ever since.

Interesting is also how Tolkien hunted them. First, he stunned them by yelling a sharp Anglo-Saxon þ at them. Then he read poetry to them until they acknowledged his superior position in the food chain and voluntarily gave up their eggs. No blood was spilled. Tolkien never killed animals, except when they clearly wanted it, or blasphemed.

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